Take Some Time Off, You Need It

13 Jun 2016

We all take time off, but these days there is a never ending stream of inputs.   It’s really hard to have downtime or “me” time.   Work email and kids or family are always there. And those long lost friends.   What are they up to?   Having just spent a couple months with real downtime I have had a lot of insight into things I perhaps should have been doing.   If you have been spending your work days primarily getting the job done or the project out but have not been finding time to work on self improvement then you need to adjust your priorities.

At work I try to keep the big picture in mind so my teams can concentrate on their tasks.   I like to periodically share the vision or talk about it with the team and I think I’m pretty good at it.   But now that I’m in this interlude between jobs it has become quite apparent that the big picture is more than the master plan of the project or whatever the buzz word that has captured our leadership.   It is taking time to read.   We should all read a lot.   It is taking time to investigate and be curious. I have learned so much about so many companies that I feel much more in touch with the business world.   It is taking time learn new technology or review our old stuff and relearn something again.   It’s time for reflection.   I know a few people who are quite good at doing this while working and they are ultimately high achievers.

The key is to refine something I thought I was good at but perhaps was just average at.  Time management.   We all need to put aside a significant part of our day for self improvement, reading, learning, and reflection.   How do we find the time? We make the time and we prioritize these activities with our regular work.   Leaders make the time by giving their teams concise and clear communication and delegate often.   They ask themselves not how am I going to do this, but rather, how do I get this done? Good leaders set their teams up for success.   Mastering these as habits will give you enough space to carve out the really important time to improve yourself.   But most importantly, you need to recognize these activities are priorities.   It is key to making your life more fulfilling.

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