Follow up to my iPhone Saga

21 Jun 2016

As I mentioned in my May 25 post, I took my iPhone 6 into the Genius Bar to see why the phone was locking up.   Well the “genius” there said my touchscreen was defective after she ran a simple diagnostic on it.   Hmm, it really seemed to be a resource contention issue from my observation.   So for $109 they would replace the screen.   Okay, I suppose.   So I roamed the mall for two hours and when I came back I had to wait for another 15 minutes.  Then they came to tell me the phone still didn’t pass their tests so here, you get a brand new phone – and only for the $109 plus tax.   Hey, not bad, right?

Well, it restored from backup very clean so I was happy, for at least a week.  But then I started having little pauses, and yep, it now is as bad as ever. Sometimes I reboot it four or five times before it starts working.  I think since I restored it from backup and now the same issue is happening on a different phone it may be caused by one of the apps or some corrupt data or a virus.   So this morning when it was acting really bad I uninstalled some of the apps I had added this spring. Some of the job search related apps are a bit sketchy.   Once I did this I got it to work a little better but it is still not right.   So now I need to figure out if it is data or a virus.   Swell, I get a new phone and restore from backup so I put the same virus on the phone?

I blame all this on job searching.   Too many crummy sites.   Too many bizarre emails.   I also blame Apple, because I think they are awfully snooty.  They didn’t even look into what processes were running and just assumed I must have dropped the phone.   Needless to say I really miss my Samsung Galaxy.   Runkeeper is much better suited for the Android app too. So I know my next phone will not be an iPhone.

Update - I figured out the culprit application and it was a surprise but since its removal no problems whatsoever.   It was the GMail application.   I wonder if it is corrupt?   Since I’m not a big fan of GMail and it is not my primary email I have been good with it removed from the phone.   The iPhone has been working well since late June.

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