Injury and Running Update

20 Jul 2016

A quick running and injury update.   I have improved greatly since my last post on July 11.   I admit to not being too patient and feel lucky since I did not back off totally.   I put in a few extra rest days and I have yet to run much over 6.5 miles, meaning I have also avoided running into the Edmonds bowl and back out.   Last week was difficult and painful.   IT bands, shins; you name it. Yesterday I ran 6.5 miles at a decent pace without pain!

Last week’s workouts were a 7 mile trip around Lake Union doing some jogging and mostly walking.   We visited the wooden boat center and even went on an open house of a really nice house boat.   Too small for me, but super high end finishes for just $990K.

On Tuesday we ran up 205th and over Fremont and down to Richmond Beach, 4.58 miles.   This was too much hill because I was sore. Wednesday I ran the short version of what has become my foundational run. It starts by dropping into Richmond Beach, running through Woodway and then I can do all sorts of variations to extend the run up to 13 miles.   In this case I did the least possible which is 4.68 miles.   On Friday I extended it by adding in two flat loops, one to Richmond Beach Park and one which I do on most runs – a loop through Dogwood Lane.   This made the run 6.63 miles and I was not as sore.

Saturday I walked a single mile rather than run because I was pretty stiff and sore.   Oh oh, was Friday too much?   So on Sunday we walked around some neighborhoods in Edmonds and Monday I did nothing.

But after three down days, yesterday I ran the same route as Friday and I felt pretty good.   I admit to being a bit winded. A side effect of being injured is you don’t run fast and you certainly don’t push yourself so as a result my cardio training has trailed off.   I’m not running today but tomorrow I want to drop into the bowl which will make it 9.5 or 10 miles.   Hopefully next week I can extend it further.

I’ve settled into my replacement Asics. I’m now comfortable that they are not an injury concern which helps me run with confidence.   I have another pair, slightly different, that I am reserving for walking.   My good old running shoes are not yet totally demoted to the garden shoes but now that my confidence in the replacements is up I guess that is the natural shoe progression.   Okay, I’m sentimental about the shoes that got me to my first half marathon.   Now they are great gardening shoes - Done.

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