My last post titled “Injury and Running Update” has turned out to be a lark. My legs remain in a terrible state. Last night we set off to run our short loop which is 3.8 miles but I ended up walking about 50% of it. I have barely run/walked since the post last week. My IT bands seem to be the worst part but I also get sharp pains and twinges in my knees and thighs when I run. And then there are the shins. The left one in particular really hurts. I’m wondering if this is a secondary problem related to diet. We eat healthy well balanced meals but perhaps I’m missing some key supplement. I don’t take a multi-vitamin so there-in I have something to try.
The IT bands should be rolled but I have not done this either. I’m too cheap to buy a roller – symptom of unemployment. I could use a rolling pin I guess. So I have a couple things to try. Also more dynamic stretching will help. The shins do well with a deep rub down. Last year I had a shin splint that took months to recover so that is a bummer.
I’m concerned I am already getting out of shape. I have not done a long run into Edmonds in weeks. And I have not done routine runs in a full week. So I’m a bit desperate to get out there.
My plan is simple. I’m going to try the rolling pin for my IT bands and I’m going to take a multi-vitamin. Beyond that it is just going to take some time.
Update August 17: After a few more short runs with pain I was feeling pretty good so on July 30 I ran 10.16 miles and on August 3 I ran 6.21 miles. But this led to another week of pain. On August 9 I ran 11.2 miles at a 9:21 pace but was unable to run for a week. I did 5 miles with pain yesterday and was up at night with pain even while lying down. I’m concerned it is a left tibia stress fracture.