November Wrap Up

01 Dec 2016

November had some falloff as compared to October in both runs and distance but I am genuinely pleased with the runs for the month.   I had 11 runs for 60.31 miles or 5.48 miles per run.   In October I had 14 runs for 87.94 miles or 6.28 miles per run.   The two biggest factors are shorter days and an end to daylight savings time.   Both months had much rain, October with a record over 10 inches but then November had 14 inches which is not a record but a huge number.

In September I took some down time to heal after a miserable July and August.   But in the last 11 days of the month I had 6 runs so since September 19, I have logged 31 runs totalling 184.8 miles.

The next challenge will be to keep up the running through the dark months and come out in good shape in March, ready to tackle 2 or 3 half marathons.

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