2016 Running Recap

02 Jan 2017

December wrapped up a pretty good running year.   December had it’s challenges with weather, a head cold, and holiday activities so overall I’m pleased even though I only had 8 posted runs for the month.

My December recap is 8 runs for 54.22 miles which is 6.78 miles per run.   Optimally I would have liked to have had 11 or 12 runs but the headcold was a downer.   The number of miles per run was boosted by a 10.2 mile run on December 20 and an 8.87 mile run on Burke Gilman on December 4.

My 2016 recap is 128 runs for 780.0 miles for an average run of 6.09 miles per run.   This is a leap by approximately 1.5 miles per run over 2015 and a couple more runs per month.   I can’t enumerate all of 2015 without a bunch of manual digging.   My estimated totals for 2015 is in the range of 100 runs for about 4.6 miles per run so 2016 was a nice step up.

My year over year most difficult challenge for 2017 is right now, January.   January of 2016 had 15 tracked runs on RunKeeper which is the most for any month and is equivalent to running every second day.   Considering I was working full time and the darkness and rain this time of year that’s a pretty difficult task to match.   We were running every Tuesday and Thursday night, and Saturday and Sunday.   I’m already behind!

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