2017 Running Curtailed

02 Mar 2017

So, I guess 2017 is not starting out as planned.   Weather has been a factor, and a never ending sinus problem has cut back on the number of runs.   But now I have a new injury with my knee.   In particular my right knee clicks with every step so I’m real hesitant to over use it.

My January and February totals are about as good as I could do with my circumstances.   I did not run at all the last week of February because of the knee thingy.   I have an appointment with my orthopedic doctor, but it is all the way out to April 11.   That’s disappointing.

On a brighter note, I did run yesterday.   But I cut it short, to about 4.5 miles because I need to avoid overdoing it.   My best run in February was on Feb 13 which is the last time I ran my full training run.   That run was 6.85 miles for a 9:33 pace which is a full minute off my October/November pace.  Oh, and my weight is up 5 pounds!

My goals were to be in the 12-15 runs per month range and to keep my times from falling off too far over the winter.   I failed on both. :(   Also my distance per run is down significanty from 6.55 miles per run in 2016.   Hopefully warmer weather and improvement in my knee will allow me to add distance.   I enjoy the occasional long run where I drop into downtown Edmonds.   Those tend to be over 9 miles.

So here are the recaps for January and February.

Runs just by myself:

My runs Jan and Feb

All runs:

All runs Jan and Feb

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